These Personal Paper Shredders are compact enough to keep handy beside the desk and sleekly styled for any decor. Yet they all have the same high-grade steel cutting heads.
Maintain security throughout the office. Next to a copier these Midsize Paper Shredders will stop information leaks before they can start. Several models roll easily on casters for convenient sharing among offices.
These versatile Centralized Shredders can handle your data printouts while providing shredding for the whole office. Most models feature auto start-stop so you don't have to monitor shredding long runs of continuous forms. Select from high speed or large capacity models.
Safer and more convenient than using an outside shredding service, these High Capacity Shredders provide security for an entire floor or facility. Bound ledgers, stacks of EDP print-outs and the entire contents of wastebaskets can be emptied into these powerful shredders.